Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Call Yesterday

I had a call yesterday from a potential new student and I talked to him and he then wrote me an email:

(This is the actual email)

I read some reviews about your company and it is said that we have to pay for H1B. Is that true?
Is there any hidden charges?
How good is your marketing?
Do you hold our original documents?
How is the accommodation? how many person in a single bed room?
Do I need to bring my own mattress and kitchen utensils?  

So I called him and explained about our company and what our philosophy was.  First let us answer his doubts above.

I read some reviews about your company and it is said that we have to pay for H1B. Is that true?

Answer: I have no idea who posted this, but we do not charge for H1B's.  You can ask any of my employees and they will give you the same answer.  

Is there any hidden charges?

Answer: No, there are no hidden charges.  Apparently this kid had heard that companies charge for all sorts of things and he wanted to make sure that we do not do that.  Not only do we not do that I would never allow it.  Once I have given you my word, I can guarantee you that I will stick to it, no matter what.

How good is your marketing?

Answer: Initially when we started we were average, but now after having been in the industry for a while, we are excellent.  I actually get calls from primary vendors first for consultants and only if I do not have somebody will they go other companies.   Most companies that have hired my consultants will always call me first when they have a need.

Do you hold our original documents?

Answer: I would never do that.  I am assuming that other companies are doing this so that they have a hold on you.  My consultants know the hard work I put in and we all understand that we are a team that are all here helping each other succeed.  I am extremely proud of the fact that over 2 years only 3 consultants have left me to go full time or join elsewhere.  I believe in mutual respect, hard work and love.  Love seems like such a wrong statement in this space, but trusts me when I say that when I accept you in my program, you become my responsibility and I have great love for my students.  I will do whatever it takes to help you succeed.

How is the accommodation? how many person in a single bed room?

Answer: Each bedroom has 2 beds, and yes they are real beds.  Each student has his own bed and area.  I do not cram people into guest houses.  I want my kids to feel safe, secure and comfortable and that is what I try and achieve in my guest houses.  Some of my students have commented that it was like a palace in our Guest House after they came from college.  I have a policy that I will only ask my students to stay somewhere if I was willing to stay there.  Last night I had some new classes starting in Wash DC office and the house where I put the kids had no furniture, since I only got the key yesterday.  My cousin sister asked me to stay in her house so that I was comfortable.  I told her no, since I could not ask my students to stay at the new house with no furniture if I was unwilling to stay there.  So I spread out some comforters and slept on the floor.  Like I said I would never ask you do something that I was unwilling to do myself.  I bought all the guest houses that my students stay at in Detroit, just so that I could fix it up perfectly like the way I wanted.

Do I need to bring my own mattress and kitchen utensils?  

Answer: No, we have a bed for you along with all the accessories that go with that bed.  We have all kitchen items, and if you find something missing just email me and I make sure to fix any issue you have right away.